Thursday 22 August 2019

Face Halo - Your one Step Cleansing tool

Firstly if you are using face wipes to remove your make up … Stop right now!! Not only are they bad for the environment but they are really bad for your skin too in the sense that they just do not clean completely and if you wear quite a bit of make up on a daily basis you are causing unnecessary stress to the delicate skin on your face by continuously wiping.

I know that some of you prefer to wipe off your make up rather than use a wash off cleanser and that's absolutely fine but you need to be doing it the correct way with super soft skin friendly fabric which will not only save your skin but save you a lot of money and time too.

Enter Face Halo.... I first tried these about 8 months ago now but am only just getting around to reviewing them here.

As I mentioned above, these small little pads will save you time, money and also save the environment as well as being great for your skin.
Now, I must admit I was very dubious about trying these and didn't really expect them to work as they claim they do which is by using just water and nothing else to remove all of your make up … 'like what? really?' but let me tell you they do work and they work really well!!

Face Halo Review - StylebuzzUK
You just wipe the little pad over your face, quickly rinse and then repeat and then stick them in the wash once your finished, ready for the next use. They even effortlessly remove stubborn eye make up and mascara.

They are perfect for sensitive skin as you are not running the risk of a reaction from a cleanser and you are cleaning your face in the purest possible way.

I like to use them when in the bath, when I just want to jump straight in after a long day and can't be bothered to wash my face first.

The official blurb ..

Face Halo PRO makes light work of removing heavier makeup and masks, using the same amazing HaloTech fibers with water only. Loved globally by celebrity makeup artists of the stars, Face Halo PRO is an essential in their makeup kit. Non-toxic and reusable, the chic black Face Halo PRO continuously come up looking fresh. Each Face Halo replaces up to 500 single-use makeup wipes

I used the Face Halo Pro which contains 3 pads in a pack and is priced at £22 but this is amazing value when you think that not only are these pads reusable but think of the money you will save on cleanser too.

Available from Net-A-Porter

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